The 1870 Pike County Census ...

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Ramsey, Julia            15     f    w                                     AR
Ray, Alvida              3      f    w                                     AR
Ray, Emiline             44     f    w                                     MS
Ray, George W.           12     m    w                                     AR
Ray, John                8      m    w                                     AR
Ray, Lavice              21     f    w                                     .A
Ray, Quincy              16     m    w      farm laborer                   AR
Ray, William R.          19     m    w      farm laborer                   AR
Reed, Asa B.             21     m    w      farming                        AR
Reed, Catharine          7      f    w                                     AR
Reed, Giles h.           11     m    w      farm laborer                   AR
Reed, Hannah E.          19     f    w                                     AR
Reed, Jane               10     f    w                                     AR
Reed, Mary A. W.         8      f    w                                     AR
Reed, Matilda C.         19     f    w                                     AR
Reed, Nancy              42     f    w      housekeeper     500            AR
Reed, Sarah C.           20     f    w                                     MS
Reed, Wm. J.             24     m    w      farmer          500            AR
Reese, Sloman W.         46     m    w      farmer          600            TN
Reese, Anthony W.        19     m    w                                     AR
Reese, Catharine         45     f    w                                     TN
Reese, Catherine W.      16     f    w                                     AR
Reese, David D.          14     m    w                                     AR
Reese, Eliza J.          43     f    w                                     TN
Reese, Eliza J.*         1      f    w                                     AR
Reese, John W.           21     m    w                                     AR
Reese, Jorden G.         49     m    w      farmer          2235           TN
Reese, Jordan G., Jr.    5      m    w                                     AR
Reese, Manerva           4      f    w                                     AR
Reese, Margaret T.       12     f    w                                     AR
Reese, Rebecca J.        6      f    w                                     AR
Reese, Sloman B.         13     m    w                                     AR
Reese, Tacy              11     f    w                                     AR
Reese, William M.        22     m    w                                     AR
ReeVe, John A.           20     m    w      farm laborer                   AR
Reid, Cady C.            10     f    w                                     AR
Reid, George             53     m    w      farmer          500            GA
Reid, George W.          15     m    w      farming                        AR
Reid, George W.          21     m    w                                     GA
Reid, James M.           4      m    w                                     AR
Reid, John W.            17     m    w      farming                        AR
Reid, John W.            5/12   m    w                                     AR
Reid, John               9      m    w                                     AR
Reid, Josephene          18     f    w                                     AR
Reid, Margaret A.        45     f    w                                     TN
Reid, Margaret           15     f    w                                     GA
Reid, Martha             6      f    w                                     AR
Reid, Mary               50     f    w                      500            GA
Reid, Phebe C.           12     f    w                                     AR
Reid, Sarah H.           7      f    w                                     AR
Reid, Thomas G.          23     m    w      farm laborer                   AL
Reynolds, Elizabeth      37     f    w                                     GA
Reynolds, Middleton      41     m    w      millwright                     GA
Ridge, Benjamin J.       2      m    w                                     AR
Ridge, Elizabeth         34     f    w                                     AL
Ridge, John H.           12     m    w      cotton mill                    AR
Ridge, Louis A.          4      m    w      cotton mill                    AR
Ridge, Malinda A.        9      f    w      cotton mill                    AR
Ridge, Martha J.         2/12   f    w                                     AR
Ridge, Robert            7      m    w      cotton mill                    AR
Ridge, Sarah M.          15     f    w      cotton mill                    AR
Ridge, William G.        13     m    w      cotton mill                    AR
Riley, Burrell           50     m    m      blacksmith                     GA
Riley, Harriet           29     f    m                                     AL
Riley, Lafayette         19     m    b      farm labor                     GA
Riley, Lutesia J.        10     f    m                                     TX
Riley, Mac N.            2      m    m                                     AR
Riley, Rosea G.          15     f    m                                     TX
Roberson, Adda C.        26     f    w      keeping house                  SC
Roberson, Alexander W.   1      m    w                                     AR
Roberson, Benjamin       16     m    w      farm laborer                   SC
Roberson, Benj. J.       57     n    w      farmer          1500           NC
Roberson, Carolina       44     f    w                                     SC
Roberson, Jefferson J.   11     m    w                                     AR
Roberson, James H.       29     m    w      _____ smith     400            AR
Roberson, Moses          19     m    w      farm laborer                   SC
Roberson, Mary C.        19     f    w                                     AR
Roberson, Nancy M.       55     f    w                                     AR
Roberson, Sloman B.      60     m    w                                     AR
Roberson, William A.     16     s    w                                     AR
Roberson, William F.     2      m    w                                     AR
Roberts, Julia A.        32     f    w                                     GA
Roberts, Michael         14     m    w      farm laborer                   AR
Roberts, Sarah A.        4      f    w                                     GA
Roberts, William J.      30     m    w      farm laborer                   GA
Rodgers, Aaron           41     m    w      farm laborer                   MS
Rodgers, Alfred          51     m    w      farmer          500            TN
Rodgers, Charity         5      f    w                                     TX
Rodgers, Edward G.       15     m    w                                     AR
Rodgers, Harriet         36     f    w                                     MS
Rodgers, Jane            10     f    w                                     LA
Rodgers, John            9/12   m    w                                     AR
Rodgers, Levis S.        2      m    w                                     AR
Rodgers, Mary A.         32     f    w                                     GA
Rodgers, Martha          8      f    w                                     LA
Rodgers, Melisa          13     f    w                                     MS
Rodgers, Samuel J.       15     m    w                                     MS
Rodgers, Sarah W.        67     f    w                                     KY
Rodgers, Vela C.         21     f    w                                     AL
Rodgers, Willis          1      m    w                                     AR
Rollins, Elizabeth       72     f    w                                     SC
Ross, Mary E.            21     f    w                                     AR
Rucker, Rebecca          44     f    b                                     TN

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All information contained herein is correct as far as we can verify but it is not guaranteed to be perfect. Information may be missing on some people as well, If you can fill any gaps or have corrections to the existing data, please e-mail the webmaster.

The information on this site is offered freely but cannot be used in any publication or on any commercial site without written permission from Shane Hill or Cindy Scott.